For this blog, I really wanted to update it daily with the nutrition I have been providing my mother but the journey of cancer is so exhausting that I hardly have the energy to write at the end of the day. However for the sake of getting the information out and also to share a little bit of my experience of this cancer journey, here is a letter I wrote a friend of mine detailing the latest and highlighting the nutritional diet we have her on. Over time, I will continue to contribute more detailing each product. However if you are looking for some direction quickly, look at the highlighted items and research them to see if they will work for you.
Dear Erika,
As you know, when I arrived my mother was laid out in insufferable pain. She could not sleep through the night, she had nightmares, she couldn't get by with pain killers, she was vomiting, she was not eating etc. etc. At her worst, she weighted 81 lbs, lost her ability to walk and could not get out of bed due to the pain. Throughout the process both my father and I (though working separately) remained diligent in our commitment to nourishing her body with the maximum capacity of cancer fighting, tumor reducing, body regenerating nutrition. Additionally we massaged her and encouraged her relentlessly. As nothing else has been given her, I have to attribute her recovery to these factors. Currently she is self sufficient again. She can walk up and down stairs. She can get food for herself. She can wash her own hair. She is hand washing laundry and yesterday I found her in the kitchen scrubbing the walls and cleaning the oven. She stopped taking all pain killers and has been off of them for over three weeks now. Additionally she is sleeping through the night peacefully and is starting to gain weight again. This is a result of a combination of chinese herbs (red ginseng, red dates, longan, lychees), brazilian herbs (pau d'arco and graviola), flower tinctures (astragalus, milk thistle, echinacea), mushrooms (reishi, maitake and a complex of mushrooms called life boost), the indian spice turmeric, garlic, alpha lipoid acid, glutamine, b-17 apricot seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, brazil nuts, colostrum, a powder mix of 45 whole grains and green vegetables, noni juice from tahiti, fucoidan from Japan, electrolytes, orgain (the healthy version of boost and ensure) and a fresh juice concoction of cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, beets and blueberries (nature's top cancer fighting foods). In between all this are meals made by either my father or I rich in fruit, vegetables, seafood, omega, protein and whole grains. Her nutrition bootcamp starts at 7am and goes until midnight which is when I juice for her. I started noticing that if she consumes the juice before she goes to bed, it helps her get through the night. This is the culmination of all the work done since I got here, experimenting with this and that until we finally, FINALLY found a diet that seemed to be working and bringing in results. Lastly, love. Love, true love, is never to be underestimated.
Much love,
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